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Terms of use

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement determines the procedure for the provision of services for the exchange of electronic money by the Online Service. 

1.2. An Online Service means an online resource located on the Internet for exchanging electronic money - 24paybanks - the website https://24paybanks.me and related applications (including but not limited to a mobile application). 

1.3. A user is a private person or a legal entity who has expressed a desire to use the services of the 24paybanks online service. 

1.4. The user and the online resource 24paybanks, when jointly referred to, are referred to as the Parties.  

1.5. The Parties agree that this Agreement, which is in electronic form, has equal legal force with a written document and will regulate business relations between Users (an individual or a legal entity) and a party offering services of a certain kind (24paybanks). 

1.6. The Agreement is a public offer, which the User accepts by submitting an application through the web resource of the 24paybanks online service for the provision of services provided by the 24paybanks online service. 

1.7. The user, while on the site and / or using the applications of the Online Service, confirms that he has read and accepted these terms of use in full before any activity (taking any action).


1.8. Any activity of the User on the website of the Online Service, as well as in the applications of the service (including but not limited to the mobile application), whether it is applying for an exchange and / or any other activity, will be considered an agreement to go through the personal identification procedure and provide all the data required for this and / or documents. This is a prerequisite in accordance with clause 9.6 of this Agreement.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. The online resource 24paybanks provides the services specified in clause 4 of this Agreement, provided that the User carefully follows the standards formed in clause 9 of this Agreement. The procedure for their provision is determined by the internal Regulations of the 24paybanks Online Resource, established by clause 5 of this Agreement. 

2.2. The user accepts the services of the 24paybanks Online resource and makes payments for them in compliance with the conditions established by the Agreement. 

3. Rights and obligations of the Parties

3.1. The 24paybanks online service is obliged to: 

3.1.1. Convert digital currencies of online payment systems Payeer, Perfect Money, Yandex.Money and others in compliance with the standards specified in this Agreement;  

3.1.2. Provide technical and informational support to Users in the process of making money transfers using the 24paybanks Online Service; 

3.1.3. Ensure the safety of detailed information on exchange transactions (personal data of Users, time of exchange operations, its amount and other information) and provide it to Users who initiated these transactions. Information about money transfers in different directions with payment systems has the “Confidential” status and is not disclosed; 

3.1.4. Do not transfer information about the transactions to unauthorized persons in accordance with the current Privacy Policy. The exceptions are the following cases: 

  • if the judicial authority located at the location of the 24paybanks Online Service has made a relevant decision, which has entered into legal force;
  • if a request is received from official law enforcement agencies and financial monitoring institutions operating at the location of the 24paybanks Online Service;
  • When contacting the management of partners (online payment systems) which are listed above.

3.1.5. Consider information about discounts provided to Users; 

3.1.6. Ensure that funds are credited to the account of the User or a third party within 24 hours after receiving the complaint in the cases provided for in clauses 3.2.5, 5.4, 5.5 or 5.6 of this Agreement. 


3.1.7. Comply with the Privacy Policy located on the page with the address https://24paybanks.me/privacy_policy/


3.2. The user is obliged: 

3.2.1. Provide accurate data and details for the timely implementation of money transfers; 

3.2.2. Provide reliable information about the e-mail address used and reliable information in the process of personal identification; 

3.2.3. Provide the ability to receive system notifications to your e-mail. Have access to the Internet using a computer or other electronic computing devices. Use up-to-date versions of anti-virus programs to establish a secure connection with the 24paybanks Online resource. 

3.2.4. Adhere to the terms of this Agreement; 

3.2.5. Notify the administration of the Internet resource 24paybanks about all cases when the transferred amounts have not been transferred in whole or in part to the account of the User or a third party. And also about the precedents listed in clauses 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 of this Agreement. The corresponding notification must be sent to the administration no later than one month after the funds are to be received. If this condition is not met, the disputed amounts go to the 24paybanks Online Service; 

3.2.6. Comply with the laws governing the rules for conducting online money transfers. 3.2.7. Do not use various systems to boost traffic. 


3.2.8. Ensure the security of the account on the Online Service and immediately notify the Administration of the Online Service about any suspicious activity related to the User"s account.


3.2.8. Provide reliable information and go through the identification procedure, providing the required information and / or documentation, at the first request of the Online Service in any situation where the Online Service may require it.


3.3. The 24paybanks online service has the right to: 

3.3.1. Suspend activities temporarily in order to upgrade the service or to fix problems; 

3.3.2. When contacting the competent authorities, the administration of the above payment systems or the User"s complaint about fraudulent actions, stop the exchange operation until the situation is clarified; 

3.3.3. Set, at your discretion, discounts for exchange operations; 

3.3.4. Determine the amount of the commission payable for the exchange operation; 

3.3.5. Refuse a potential User in their services without explaining the reasons for their actions; 

3.3.6. Receive from the User information confirming the completion of the exchange operation using e-mail, mobile phone, a screenshot of an electronic wallet, if the exchange was completed with an error; 

3.3.7. Stop communicating with the User who is rude, asks off-topic questions or does not provide the necessary information to the support service; 

3.3.8. Block the execution of an exchange operation on the basis of clauses 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6. and Regulations; 

3.3.9. If necessary, block the operation and freeze the User"s exchange operation, along with all the assets received from the User, until the moment of full proceedings on any questions that the Online Service may have. Blocking of funds or other assets can be carried out up to 165 calendar days. 3.3.10. In case of non-compliance with the obligations in accordance with clause 3.2.7, the Administration has the right to block the user who violated this clause, as well as the source / generator of transitions. 

3.3.11. In case of unjust enrichment by the client of electronic funds of the 24paybanks Online service, or third-party services for the exchange of electronic money, the Administration of the 24paybanks.me Online service has the right to suspend the execution of the application until the reasons and all the circumstances are clarified, as well as reimbursement of unjustifiably acquired funds and property rights to them Online service 24paybanks or other exchange services.

3.3.12. If a need arises of any nature and / or if there is a suspicion of violation of the law, commission of illegal actions by the User, the Online Service has the right to apply the actions described in clause 3.3.9 of this Agreement, and require the user to complete the procedure for full identification of the person with the provision of the required Online service of information and / or documentation of a personal nature and / or about the origin of funds and / or digital assets or cryptocurrencies.

4. Services provided

4.1. The 24paybanks online service exchanges electronic money for payment systems Bitcoin , Qiwi , Payeer , Perfect Money , Yandex.Money and others using banking institutions, the list of which is provided on the website;      

5. Regulations for the exchange of electronic money

5.1. The implementation of the transaction begins after receiving from the User the funds intended for the exchange. If the funds for the application created by the User are not received within 20 minutes, then the application is automatically deleted by the security service of the exchange site 24paybanks.me. In case of receipt of payment on the application in excess of the specified time (90 minutes for cryptocurrency), the application will be processed at the current rate at the time of receipt of funds from the User.

5.2. The transaction is considered completed after the transfer of funds to the details specified by the User.

5.3. The user cannot cancel an already started transaction or return the money provided for the exchange.

5.4. If the User has received an amount that differs from the amount specified during the execution of the operation, the 24paybanks Online Service may suspend the exchange, and after the User’s request, on the basis of clause 3.2. pay the application on the actually received funds.

5.5. If the User has indicated invalid or blocked details, then the exchange operation is terminated. The funds are returned to the User"s account on the basis of his request in accordance with clause 3.2.5.

5.6. If the User has changed the notes to the payment or paid the invoice from an external account, then such an operation may be blocked. In this case, the refund is made after the User"s request on the basis of clause 3.2.5.

5.7. If the client receives bitcoin cryptocurrency, the terms for confirming the transaction (crediting funds) depend on the bitcoin system itself. This process can take from 15 minutes to several days, depending on the workload of the Bitcoin network. The exchange service is not responsible for the speed of transactions and confirmations in the Bitcoin network and / or in another blockchain.

5.8. In any case, when a refund is made, a commission of 5% is withheld, except for clause 10.10.

6. Warranties and liability of the Parties

6.1. The online service 24paybanks does not bear material and moral responsibility for the incorrect use of the service by the User, as well as mistakes made by him in the process of filling out certain points of the standard application form for exchanging digital money. Even if the funds were transferred to the wrong account, the transaction will not be canceled or refunded. 

6.2. The online service 24paybanks is not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the inability to use the equipment as a whole or its individual elements by the User. 

6.3. The online service 24paybanks is not responsible for the actions of banks and payment systems, which resulted in errors or delays in payment. 

6.4. The online service 24paybanks is not responsible for the costs incurred by the User, losses or lost profits, which were caused by the User"s erroneous ideas regarding tariffs, profitability of operations and other subjective issues. 

6.5. The online service 24paybanks is not responsible for any costs incurred as a result of errors or delays in electronic transfers or payments; 

6.6. The user confirms that he is the rightful owner or has legal grounds for using the funds that are involved in exchange transactions. 

6.7. The User agrees to reimburse losses to third parties, the occurrence of which is indirectly or directly related to the use of the capabilities of the service by the User. 

6.8. The User guarantees that he has reached the age of 16 or has reached the age of majority determined by the jurisdiction applicable to the User. If the user violates the terms of this clause by age restriction, he must immediately stop using the service and leave the site.

6.9. The user guarantees that he will stop using the 24paybanks service at any time if any applicable legislation in his country prohibits or prohibits the use of cryptocurrencies and / or exchange services.

6.10. The user declares, guarantees and agrees that he will not use the resources of the service for the purpose of deception, fraudulent schemes and / or any other illegal actions.

6.11. The User assumes full responsibility for all actions that he performs in the Online Service and / or its applications (including but not limited to the mobile application).

6.12. The User is solely responsible for any applicable taxes that may be payable when performing any transactions by the User on the Online Service.

6.13. The User confirms that he will not encourage and / or induce any third party to engage in any activity prohibited by this Agreement and / or prohibited by applicable law in his country using the Online Service.

6.14. The user confirms that he will not try to get access to any information and / or content and / or service to which he does not have access.

6.15. The User confirms that he will not try to change, decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble the software of the Online Resource in any way.

6.16. The User confirms that he will not exchange through the Online Service and / or try to pay with crypto-assets that are obtained through illegal gambling activities; fraud; money laundering; or terrorist activities; or any other illegal activity. On the Online Service, the User can use only those crypto assets that are obtained by legal means.

7. Change of information

7.1. The administration of the 24paybanks Online Service may amend or amend this Agreement at any time. In this case, all changes begin to be applied immediately after they are published on the web resource. The user agrees to this and accepts unconditionally. 

8. Force majeure

8.1. The parties are exempt from liability for failure to fulfill or delay in fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement if force majeure circumstances arise. These include: natural disasters, acts of government, war, fire, explosion, terrorist attack, flood, riot, hacker attacks, mass civil disturbances. They also include the absence or failure of work in power supply, access to the Internet, communication services or other systems and networks. 

9. Mandatory conditions for conducting exchange operations

9.1. It is prohibited to use the 24paybanks Online Service to carry out illegal or fraudulent transactions. The user agrees that for any attempt to exchange funds of dubious origin, he will be punished in accordance with the law of the country in which the exchange operation was performed. 

9.2. The online service 24paybanks.me the right to transfer information about illegal payments, if their illegality is duly proven, to the competent authorities, the administration of the relevant payment system and to the victims at their request. 

9.3. The condition for the exchange is the withdrawal by the User of digital characters from the electronic wallet belonging to him. In this case, the User is personally responsible for the legality of the sources of funds receipt, since the 24paybanks Online Service is not authorized to verify their origin. 

9.4. The online service 24paybanks is not responsible for operations performed by third parties on behalf of the User.   

9.5. The user, by pressing the button "I agree with the exchange rules", confirms that he unconditionally accepts all the terms of this Agreement. 

9.6. Before each operation carried out using any resources, applications and functionality of the Online Service, the User is obliged to go through the identification procedure by providing information in accordance with clause 10 of this Agreement.

10. Identification of the User"s identity

10.1. Willingness to go through the identification procedure is a prerequisite for using the services of the Online Service.

10.2. In the course of personal identification, the Online Service may request the following data at its discretion:

10.2.1. Surname First name Patronymic of the User.

10.2.2. Information about the citizenship of the User.

10.2.3. Full passport data (series, number and other data) of the User.

10.2.4. Data on the date and place of birth of the User.

10.2.5. Data on the place of registration and place of actual residence of the User.

10.2.6. Contact information (postal address, telephone number for communication, e-mail address and / or any other contact information).

10.2.7. Photos of passport / ID-card) and / or foreign passport.

10.2.8. Photos of the owner of the document (User) holding an identity document.

10.2.9. Photos of the utility bill showing the home address of the person concerned, if the certifying document does not contain information about the place of registration (residence).

10.2.10. Any other personal data in any format and volume that the Online Service deems necessary for full identification.

10.3. All information received will be used to verify the identity of the User, identify traces of money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud and other financial crimes through the functionality of the Online Service, its resources, applications (including but not limited to a mobile application).

10.4. The Online Service will collect, use and transfer information about the User in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

10.5. The User agrees and gives permission to keep records of all information received about the User during the period of activity of the account in the Online Service and for five years after the closure and / or deletion of the account, in accordance with international data storage standards.

10.6. The User agrees to the Online Service to conduct the necessary investigations directly or through third parties to verify the identity or protect the User and / or the Online Service from financial crimes, such as fraud. Such third parties may be KYC services and / or other systems, the User does not limit the Online Service in choosing such.

10.7. After passing the identification procedure, the User must independently monitor its relevance. If in the future the User"s personal information changes, he must update it and correct it, both by means of communication with the Administration of the Online Service, and through his personal account. In the event that the Online Service may have reason to believe that information about users is outdated, changed, inaccurate and / or incorrect / false / incomplete, the Online Service reserves the right to apply clause 3.3.9 of this Agreement to the User.

10.8. If the Administration of the Online Service is unable to contact the User using the contact information provided by the User to the Online Service by means of registering on the resources of the Online Service and / or passing the identification procedure, the User is fully responsible for any losses and / or expenses incurred during the suspension exchange transactions and / or blocking an account (account). By accepting this, the User fully agrees that IT EXACTLY bears full responsibility for the relevance, reliability and accuracy of personal data.

10.9. By passing the identification, the User agrees to the Online Service to conduct any research in relation to the User that the Online Service considers necessary. The Online Service may engage a third party for these studies at its discretion.

10.10 The wallet addresses of the transactions carried out on the Online Service are automatically AML checked.

The exchange service has the right to request verification of the User if the client"s wallet address specified in the application has a connection with the following definitions: 

- Darknet Marketplace;

- Darknet Service;

- Fraudulent Exchange;

- Illegal Service;

- Mixing Service;

- Ransom;

- Scam;

- Stolen Coins.

If connections are identified, then after verification, the funds will be returned to the sender’s details (minus the network commission when transferring funds).