What is the future of electronic payment systems?
What is the future of electronic payment systems
Times change, people change too. Progress poses new requirements for people, and the standard is becoming more complex and modern. We used to write with goose pens, but now we have several types of fountain pens. Once it was a blessing to have an electric typewriter (and not a personal one, but in an office), but now every home has a personal computer.
What happens to money? Were they too late in paper format and in the form of coins? Each person has his own destiny and his own age: one has a long one, the other not so much. So each item has it is own period of existence and service to people. I must say that paper money has been serving for too long, it should give way to new, convenient, mobile, practical analogs long ago.
Peaceful neighborhood of two systems
With the advent of an alternative type of money, paper money continues to coexist peacefully with them. So they firmly took their place. But it is time to think about the fate of new ones, what is the future of electronic money? Their creation was inevitable, the prerequisites for their appearance were quite obvious. In this regard, programmers, cryptographers, highly professional financiers with out-of-the-box thinking did a very good job.
Skeptics or ignoramuses?
You can still meet many skeptics who stubbornly do not recognize the need to use virtual currency. It may not be surprising, but some even ignore the fact that they no longer only exist, but are also developing and their capitalization is growing every day, not a year.
Given the level that the money of the new formation has already reached, it is stupid and senseless to deny the reality of the future of electronic payment systems. It is like denying the light of the sun or the shining of the stars. Opponents of virtual currency should not be called skeptics, this is not a conscious opposite opinion, but elementary ignorance. Indeed, despite the fact that digital money is intangible, it is quite tangible that it can be bought for it. The absence of a material equivalent or physical embodiment cannot be considered the reason for their inferiority.
The real essence of virtual money
Here is such a vivid example of the real essence of electronic money: a person is engaged in remote work, which is paid for with electronic money. He receives them through an electronic payment system and practically lives on them. They can pay for any services, purchase any product, pay off a loan. At this point you can stop and argue a little. There is a feeling that someone will now say that not everything can be bought for them and not everything can be paid for. In fact, this is true, but not entirely. And the same person doing remote work, whose employer is in another country, will confirm this. If the possibilities for making payments in virtual currency are limited (not all stores accept digital monetary unit is and not all services can be paid with them), then no one prohibit is converting the title unit is of money transfer systems into any fiduciary national currency necessary for a specific purpose and withdrawing them to fiat. As a result, we have the same opportunities as tangible money.
Before talking about the future of electronic currencies, lets take a look at their current state. People ignorant of the peculiarities of digital money are categorical: if they cannot be touched, then their real existence is in question. How can there be that which does not have physical clothing? But they forget about the amazing achievements of human thought, embodied in reality.
Could anyone, 20 years ago, have thought that people would be able to communicate via video communication, and practically free of charge, except for the payment for the Internet. In the appearance of Skype, you can see the first stage on the way to teleportation. And what is a mobile phone, smartphone or tablet today? After all, it is a mobile photo-video studio, plus a voice recorder, TV, electronic notebook and a computer in one item.
What lies ahead for them?
And how can you not believe in the existence and real future of electronic money after that? What will happen to them ahead can be judged by their current features:
Making money transfers within a moment.
Lack of an expiration date in terms of wear.
Saving time for accounting, all amounts and deductions are made automatically.
In disputes about the future of electronic payment systems, one can hear a variety of opinions. Ardent supporters of electronic currency suggest that the time will come when humanity will generally forget about paper bills, especially about bargaining chips. One cannot but agree that there are more than enough reasons for this. It is quite possible that someday they will conquer the world. Although there are still enough people with the opposite opinion.
As a result of sociological surveys, those who advocate the active development of the future of electronic currencies are in second place. Bank cards are still the most popular. After e-currency, Internet banking is in third place. In these results, it is noteworthy that the number of supporters of paper money is decreasing.
After all, even if we consider the bank cards ranked first in the rating, this means that cashless payments have become commonplace for people. It is convenient, fast, there is no need to count anything, worry about torn bills, especially if they are of great value.
As for internet banking, it is a clear semblance of an electronic payment system. People already now prefer to make money transactions via the Internet, sitting at home at a computer. Doesnt this indicate the real future of electronic money, and there can be no doubt about it. Moreover, the use of Internet banking is a kind of training, which is very useful when switching to electronic currency.
Based on the number of potential users of virtual settlement systems, and they number in the hundreds of millions, we can outline the future of electronic payment systems. If there are those who want to use virtual money and those who can provide it, such a tandem is quite viable.
The creators of payment services set themselves the task of satisfying the requests of their customers, for which they will update, improve, and strengthen the security system. A satisfied customer is practically a walking advertisement, which means that he will bring others with him. And if the service has enough users, it will be able to develop successfully, because it is, in fact, a business project that has it is own scheme for making a profit.
Among the favorites of payment systems in Russia and the CIS countries are the world-famous, popular all over the world Webmoney, as well as Yandex.Money, Qiwi, PayPal and many others. others.
The facts show
The following facts may indicate the future of electronic currencies:
Daily growth in the number of transactions and the volume of cash flows of electronic payments.
A significant reduction in the share of bank cards and a visible increase in the share of virtual transactions, especially mobile payments are increasing sharply.
Funds from electronic payment systems can be withdrawn to European banks.
Issuance of electronic cards (virtual and plastic).
Ease of opening an electronic wallet, unlike a bank card.
Having considered different opinions and points of view, an objective conclusion can be drawn: electronic payment systems are developing at such a rapid pace that only a blind person or someone who wants to seem like that can not see it. But parallel existence or peaceful coexistence and even cooperation of two monetary systems is quite acceptable. But the fact that the preponderance of forces will be on the side of virtual money is too obvious to be denied. It is necessary, in the end, to understand that the old is always replaced by the new, and no one has been able to stop this process.
Electronic payment systems and digital currencies are a new stage in the evolution of modern standards of financial relations. The future belongs to them.