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TeleMoney payment platform


TeleMoney service is one of the "young" electronic payment systems. EPS offers innovative business solutions and also provides service to payers.


What does the TeleMoney service offer to its customers?

The companys mission is to create a complex of payment instruments that will simplify the implementation of transactions. The system includes a multi-level motivation system for attracted users, which provides for financial rewards. The key advantages of the TeleMoney service are:

maximum level of payment security;
automated control of all transactions with detailed reporting;
ease of use by customers;
ease of account management;
a unique marketing technique for attracting new users;
availability of a support service in the field of IT;
implementation of instant transactions;
round-the-clock work.
TeleMoney service allows you to carry out transactions in favor of various service providers, buy goods online at sites that are its partners. Payment can be made with Visa and MasterCard bank cards. Also, electronic "title units" of the WebMoney service are accepted for payment in the equivalent of any currencies.

Electronic service owner

EPS started working in 2010. The owner is a limited liability company "Comfort Plus". Currency: ruble.

Features of the payment system

TeleMoney payment platform provides a traditional range of services for individuals and businesses. At the same time, the company uses user incentive techniques to expand its influence in the e-commerce market. The service offers a 50% refund on every payment. The funds received in the form of a refund can be spent in the Restok store, which is wholly owned by EPS TeleMoney. The store offers various groups of goods, which are presented in the form of lots. In fact, users can take advantage of a 50% discount on their purchase. The service developers justified their generosity as follows: "Users should be able to spend money, and do it with maximum benefit."

What does a user need to work with the TeleMoney payment platform?

The system requires a connection to the global network and can be used on any modern device. According to the information provided on the official website, the TeleMoney service provides flawless functionality in the following browsers: Chrome, Explorer and FireFox. Not tested in other browsers. Also, the service does not have any requirements for hardware and software.

Registration in the system follows the standard scheme. The user is advised to read the terms of the user agreement beforehand. A prerequisite for creating an account is Russian citizenship. Only one electronic account can be opened for one TeleMoney user.

The system offers its clients several levels of identification. The user who creates an account becomes the owner of the basic functionality. In total, the TeleMoney service offers 31 levels of identification, which provide for the provision of personal information.

When creating an account, the client of the payment service is provided with a set of a dozen numbers, which is the account number, as well as one of the identification elements. When creating multiple accounts, the TeleMoney service reserves the right to block a member for an indefinite period.

Account replenishment is performed using standard scratch cards. The following methods are also available:

mobile transactions;
depositing funds through terminal networks;
through bank payment cards;
Bank transaction;
electronic payment systems.
To withdraw funds, you can use the account of any commercial bank. The TeleMoney service also offers to withdraw money to a MasterCard or Visa plastic card. You can use the transfer of money to accounts of other electronic systems with subsequent withdrawals.

Tariffication of money transfers in the TeleMoney payment system

Withdraw funds:

through EPS - 3%;
to a bank account - 3% (+20 rubles);
to a debit card - 3% (+50 rubles).
Transactions involving replenishment of an electronic account in the system:

using bank cards - free of charge;
by bank transfer - free of charge;
all other methods - 3% -5%.
There is a fixed tariff for intra-system transfer - 0.5% of the transaction amount.

Bonus policy for private users

The TeleMoney service offers many characteristic features that other payment systems lack. A registered client has two accounts in the system. The main account is a place for storing funds that can be used to pay for the services of providers, purchases in online stores, deposit money into bank accounts, transactions to government agencies, etc. In turn, funds that were received as a return from purchases are saved in the basic account.

In addition to receiving rewards from purchases in stores that are partners of the TeleMoney system, users can take part in the affiliate program. The principle of operation of the program provides for the invitation of new clients. For the performed operation, the client receives a fixed reward, and after each transaction carried out by the referral, an additional deduction to the account of the basic wallet. The funds from the basic account can be used to pay for goods at the Restok store.

Business proposals

The TeleMoney service offers many solutions for trade enterprises. For example, a store owner has the opportunity to receive interested customers by connecting a special service that allows him to accept bonus funds as payment. Thus, the funds will go to the basic wallet of the store owner. At the same time, the buyer will receive a huge 50% discount by showing interest in the following items. This marketing policy is unique and applies exclusively to the TeleMoney service.

The TeleMoney system connects to its payment acceptance service only legal companies and private entrepreneurs operating on the basis of certificates. Connecting the store by individuals is not allowed. Requirements for the activities of a trader are traditional: legality, the presence of a functional site on paid hosting, and the provision of contact information. In addition, there are other conditions that can be found directly on the TeleMoney service portal.

TeleMoney maintains partnerships with large companies that supply various services. Among them it is worth highlighting:

financial institutions - Sberbank, VTB 24;
mobile operators - MegaFon, MTS.
Also in the list of partners are online game providers, providers and other companies. The system allows individuals and business representatives to receive income. This includes the minimum commission for account replenishment, withdrawal of funds, internal transactions. Moreover, an interesting system of bonuses allows you to expand the companys strategic directions to attract a new target audience.

Business processes are based on reselling. The operator of the payment service is SS Rapida.

Protection of information space in the TeleMoney system

The service guarantees the confidentiality of all information provided by users, the safety of money in electronic accounts and the complete security of all financial transactions. The service database works offline and is reliably protected from hacker attacks. The entire range of services offered by the TeleMoney service is controlled by the security service, which monitors and suppresses fraudulent activities.

All data passing through secure communication channels between the users device and the companys processing center is protected by the HTTPS protocol. The information passes in encrypted form in accordance with the international standards of the SSL cryptographic protocol.

When carrying out a transaction on the server of the processing center, identification is performed, which provides for the provision of a certificate with a public key. In the event that the user has not signed the certificate or it is used by a third party, the transaction does not occur, and the user of the TeleMoney system receives a corresponding notification. Also, the client can take advantage of additional protection of his account, providing access to it within certain ip-addresses.

The modern TeleMoney service allows you to perform many monetary transactions within the system itself, as well as use funds outside of it. The unique concept of incentives combined with high security may be of interest to users who wish to pay for services, online purchases, and also plan to receive income through an affiliate program.