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Akbars Bank


Bank "AK BARS" - is today a relatively young financial structure. Its active activity and development dates back to 1993. Perhaps that is why the leading activity of this financial institution is primarily the creation of the latest services and products, as well as modern methods of their implementation and the development of innovative contactless payment systems.

Combination of experience and innovation

Using the experience of large financial institutions, the needs of customers and the possibilities of modern technologies, AK BARS has created one of the most modern systems for contactless account management and other bank services. Despite its seeming youth, this organization and its achievements in the contactless account management industry is an example for many more financially experienced organizations.
AK BARS is proud of it
The banks clients now have access not only to the possibilities of modern Internet banking. Remote servicing of individuals and legal entities is the pride of AK BARS. The ability to use online access to your card in order to top up your mobile phone or pay utility bills and other types of payments is great, but in addition, clients can also:

make a calculation of contributions;
independently calculate interest on loans and mortgages;
apply for a consumer loan and for starting a business;
make money transfers from Unistream, Western Union, Zolotaya Korona and Contact, as well as to cards of other banking institutions;
independently open and close accounts;
pay for purchases on the Internet.

Its even easier to manage your accounts

Today AK BARS Bank offers its clients the following tools for contactless account management:

mobile wallet;
account management system "AK BARS online";
virtual card.


A mobile wallet is available to everyone

Mobile wallet is a special application for mobile phone owners. After installation (taking into account the detailed step-by-step instructions, this happens very quickly), the user receives a virtual bank card at his disposal. It can be replenished according to the same principle as the usual plastic version, more familiar to many. What is such a card for? To make payments in the virtual world. Of course, you can also use a regular account for this, but doing this with the help of a mobile offer is much easier, faster and more profitable. In order to access the capabilities of the Mobile Wallet, you need to do the following:

download the application and use the step-by-step instructions to install it on your phone;
launch the program;
familiarize yourself with the terms of use and confirm it with a "birdie" in the appropriate field;
create a username and password, enter from in the specified field;
designate a contact phone number;
wait for an SMS with an activation code;
enter the code in the special field and activate the service.
Immediately after the registration is completed, a virtual card will be issued and by replenishing it you can immediately start shopping. The main advantage of this service is that there is no risk for the main card. The service is available only to clients of AK BARS bank.

Undoubted advantages

The AK BARS online contactless account management system is distinguished by its modern capabilities, simplicity and accessibility of the interface, an improved level of protection, as well as an attractive external design. The updated system allows you to significantly speed up work, guarantees a higher level of protection for customer accounts, and also allows you to manage your accounts even from abroad. To connect to the AK BARS Online system, you need to contact the nearest bank branch with such a question, or do it yourself using your card and following the ATM prompts. In addition, having rubles on your account, you can easily make an exchange from Akbars Bank to Bitcoin.


Do you shop online? This offer is for you!

The virtual card offered to AK BARS customers was created primarily for those who actively and regularly make various purchases on the Internet. Its main purpose is to protect the main account from fraudsters and to speed up payments between the buyer and the seller. You can get such a card without going to the bank. It is enough to place an order in your personal account "AK BARS online". Creation of a virtual card is instant. The top-up is done according to the same principle as in the situation with a regular bank card.

The undoubted advantages and the desire to further improve contactless account management attract many customers. Moreover, despite the existing opinion that these are mainly representatives of modern youth, a huge number of older people also appreciated the new opportunities that AK BARS Bank opens up for them.

The growing popularity of this stable bank should be noted. Online banking of Akbars Bank is convenient for the operation of cryptocurrency exchangers.