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1 сатоши

Before we start talking about Satoshi, its worth mentioning Bitcoins. After all, they are composed of satoshi. This cryptocurrency has its own characteristics; it does not have centralized administration. The limit for the number of Bitcoins is determined - 21 million. Their presence in the Internet space is gradually increasing, striving for the highest point. Due to the high rate, limited quantity and difficulty of mining, this type of digital currency is compared to gold, and is called "electronic gold".


Minimum value (virtual bargaining chip) of Bitcoin cryptocurrency

1 satoshi is equal to one hundred millionth part of Bitcoin. The digital coin got its name from the name of the likely creator of this payment system, Nakamoto Satoshi. Since the appearance of this virtual currency in 2008, the Bitcoin exchange rate has varied sharply, but it has always been high, as it is today: 1 bitcoin - more than 400 US dollars.

To determine how much 1 satoshi is worth in dollars, you need to do a simple mathematical calculation. Considering that

1 satoshi = 0.00000001 Bitcoin,

the rate of 1 Bitcoin is about $ 400,

multiply by 400, we get 0.000004,

so 1 satoshi = 0.000004 dollars.

Satoshi is an indivisible part of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, it can be compared with a Russian or Ukrainian penny, or an American cent, which respectively exchange rubles, hryvnias and dollars. The difference is that 1 satoshi is not one hundredth, but one hundred millionth.

On the Internet, you can find various designations of this cryptocurrency, the ratio of the number of Satoshi to Bitcoin on a larger scale is proposed. To find out if 1 satoshi is how many millibitcoins or microbitcoins, the following table is proposed:

100,000 Satoshi = 0.001 Bitcoin or 1 Mbitcoin.
100 satoshi = 0.000001 Bitcoins or 1 microbitcoin.
100,000,000 Satoshi = 1 Bitcoin.
Having understood the essence of cryptocurrency, having figured out its purpose, its time to find out how it can be obtained and used in real life.

There are a huge variety of proposals for obtaining satoshi. From the simplest website visits and captcha insertion, Bitcoin lotteries, all kinds of Bitcoin games with and without investment, to Bitcoin faucets. By the way, experienced cryptocurrency users give many useful recommendations.

Considering how much 1 satoshi costs in dollars, it is clear that we are talking about millions of quantities that must be collected in order to get tangible earnings.

Among all types of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is the most popular. There are craftsmen who can collect up to a million satoshi in one day, while registering on various sites. Taking into account that 1 Satoshi is one hundred millionth share of Bitcoin, it is possible to calculate how much it needs to collect crypto coins in order to get a normal income.

To bring the time of possession of virtual currency closer, you need to act. There is nothing difficult in starting to earn, mine or collect satoshi. This will be explained very clearly on any website. Yes, there are a lot of them to collect, but 1 Satoshi is a tiny fraction of 1 Bitcoin, how long it will take can also be calculated. But before you get to work, you need to think about what to do with them. To collect satoshi you need a Bitcoin wallet, you need to create it. To make transfers, exchanges, payments, purchases, you need to get a Bitcoin address.

To be guaranteed to earn the maximum amount of Satoshi, you should heed the practical advice of experienced miners. Considering how much is 1 satoshi to the dollar, lets get down to action. The choice of a site must be approached carefully and carefully, study its reputation, see what period it has been working for. You should only give preference to well-proven services.