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Why is a profitable exchange of electronic currencies not everywhere?


Why is a profitable exchange of electronic currencies not everywhere?

The Internet gave people the opportunity to communicate, learn and receive unique information. At least that was the intention at first. Now the web provides everyone with great opportunities in all directions. The number of network users has already exceeded 1 billion. Such a large concentration of people united in one large network, sooner or later, would arouse interest from businessmen and investors. Indeed, with good ideas and a lot of capital, you can create projects that will bring a stable income.

The possibilities of ordinary network users today are almost endless. Now everyone can earn at home, and decent money. Copywriting, web design, programming, trading on currency exchanges, online business, content management are just some of the Internet professions that are relevant today. But if a person starts to make money online, then he somehow needs to withdraw his money, and it is desirable that the exchange of electronic currencies is profitable. After all, no one wants to lose a part of the amount earned on currency conversions, and exchange commissions sometimes reach 5-7% of the transaction amount.

Why do not all exchangers offer the same exchange rate?

Indeed, why is the exchange rate in each exchanger different? What is the basis for determining the value of a particular currency? After all, there are already more than 50 sites working in this direction, and only a few can offer a favorable rate for electronic currency exchange. In order to answer these questions, you need to understand what the electronic money exchange system is.

Electronic currency exchangers are websites that offer users to exchange one currency for another and withdraw it to their virtual wallet or bank account. In addition to standard currency positions (dollar, euro, ruble, yuan and others), many exchangers work with cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Namecoin, Litecoin and others).

Lets consider five facts regarding the exchange of electronic money, which will help to understand what determines the exchange rate of a particular currency:

    Resource capabilities. Fluctuations in the rate of electronic money do not always depend solely on external factors (the amount of oil produced, politics, military conflicts), often the rate is based on the capabilities of the Internet resource itself. For example, if a new exchanger opens, then for the first customers it will offer a more profitable exchange of electronic money. This move allows you to attract attention at the first stage of project development.
    Exchange rate. Exchangers on the Internet are known for the speed of transactions, and many of them put this point among their advantages. Even advertising slogans, designed to describe in one phrase the uniqueness of the services provided, often sound like this: "Instant currency exchange", "Profitable and fast exchange of electronic money" and other similar phrases. Experienced users who understand the essence of the ongoing processes know that the higher the exchange rate, the higher the commission. Many sites have a deferred payment feature. Yes, the term of the transaction increases, but the commission is much lower.
    The course may fluctuate depending on the day of the week and time of day. Its a paradox, but the exchange rate in electronic exchangers depends on the number of transactions carried out at the moment. On weekends, the rate will always be more favorable, since the demand for exchange transactions is lower.
    Popular exchange directions also play a role in course formation. For example, if for a long time users have been actively changing WMR to Qiwi RUB, then exchangers will automatically raise the rate in this direction to attract more customers. In this case, competition plays into the hands of ordinary users. Sometimes the terms of currency conversion in such exchangers are more favorable than in official financial institutions.
    Monitoring offers. Each exchanger has its own advantages and disadvantages. Someone has a better rate in relation to WMZ to Bitcoin, while others offer a more profitable exchange of electronic currencies in the direction of Pay Pal USD - Qiwi RUB. Monitoring centers help determine the best conditions for converting, taking into account the current offers of the exchanger network.

This information suggests that a favorable electronic currency exchange rate depends on many factors. It should be noted that most of the virtual exchange offices do not have official permission to carry out such operations. The sites are hosted by other countries, and their activities are not regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The absence of external control gives the freedom to form the value of one currency in relation to another, but tough competition between exchangers excludes an unreasonable increase or decrease in the rate. In the sector of electronic currency conversions, competition plays a primary role, but the resource administration sets the prices.

Currency exchange rate monitoring services

It is not so easy to find a way to exchange electronic money profitably. There are many exchangers, and each strives to attract the attention of customers, offering unique terms of cooperation. But it is difficult to judge the potential benefit by looking at just one resource. To obtain reliable information, it is necessary to study the entire range of offers on the electronic currency exchange market. Experienced users know the algorithms of work of such sites and have the ability to find the best exchange offers in a matter of minutes. Especially well versed in this are "electronic currency dealers" who make money on rate fluctuations in different exchangers. What should a beginner do when he first finds himself in a situation when it is necessary to profitably exchange electronic money?

If there are so many virtual exchange offices, then there must be a system that tracks all offers and conversion conditions. The electronic money monitoring system allows you to conduct a deep analysis of each exchanger, study the conditions for the provision of currency conversion services and build Internet resources as attractive to the client.

Lets analyze the functionality of the monitoring system based on the bestchange.ru website:

    You can work on the site without registration. It was created so that the user can quickly choose the most profitable exchange rate for electronic currencies in the direction he needs.
    On the left there are two tables with a list of currencies. The first table is the currency that will change. The second is the currency that the user will receive in the end.
    When choosing an exchange direction, a list of exchangers that support this operation is shown in the central part of the site. The first on the list are exchangers with the most favorable electronic currency exchange rates.
    After the user has made a choice of the site where the exchange will be made, he goes to the exchange site. Next, you need to enter the necessary information and details and agree to the terms of service.

There is a profession "electronic currency trader" or "free trader". These people are not tied to a particular marketplace. Users, using various exchange monitoring services, find the difference in rates and make a profit through a series of currency conversions. It is really possible to earn money by exchanging electronic money on favorable terms, but this requires complete immersion in the system of speculative operations.

Electronic currency exchange fraud schemes

Sometimes there is information on the Internet that you can earn big money on exchangers without special skills. But its not that simple. It is really possible to make money on this, but this requires experience and knowledge. Fraudsters act as follows: a curator (advisor, teacher) finds a person who is ready to invest a certain amount in a win-win scheme of earnings and offers cooperation. He teaches how to make a profit by profitable exchange of electronic money in Western exchangers. First, an amount is deposited for a Russian service, and a conversion is made, for example, into Bitcoins. Then this cryptocurrency is changed in foreign exchangers for dollars and is withdrawn to an electronic account. Whats the catch? And the fact is that, most likely, the client will not be able to withdraw money from a foreign site, and the curator will receive his deductions from the referral program. Even if the money can be withdrawn, the “victim” will still lose part of the invested funds.

E-raha kasumlikuks vahetamiseks pole nii lihtne leida. Vahetajaid on palju ja igaüks püüab klientide tähelepanu äratada, pakkudes ainulaadseid koostöö tingimusi. Kuid ainult ühe ressursi analüüsimisel on raske hinnata võimalikku kasu. Usaldusväärse teabe saamiseks on vaja uurida kogu pakkumiste valikut elektroonilisel valuutavahetusturul. Kogenud kasutajad teavad selliste saitide töö algoritme ja oskavad mõne minuti jooksul leida parimad vahetuspakkumised. Eriti hästi tunnevad seda "elektroonilist valuutat", kes teenivad raha erinevate vahetajate kursikõikumiste arvelt. Mida peaks algaja tegema, kui ta satub esmakordselt olukorda, kus on vaja kasumlikult e-raha vahetada?

Kui virtuaalseid valuutavahetuspunkte on nii palju, siis peab olema süsteem, mis jälgib kõiki pakkumisi ja konverteerimistingimusi. Elektroonilise raha jälgimissüsteem võimaldab teil teha iga vahetaja süvaanalüüsi, uurida valuutavahetusteenuste osutamise tingimusi ja ehitada Interneti-ressursse kliendile atraktiivseks.

Analüüsime seiresüsteemi funktsionaalsust saidi bestchange.ru põhjal:

    Saidil saate töötada ilma registreerimiseta. See loodi selleks, et kasutaja saaks kiiresti valida elektrooniliste valuutade jaoks kõige kasumlikuma vahetuskursi vajalikus suunas.
    Vasakul on kaks tabelit valuuta loendiga. Esimene tabel on valuuta, mis muutub. Teine on valuuta, mille kasutaja lõpuks saab.
    Vahetussuuna valimisel kuvatakse saidi keskosas seda operatsiooni toetavate vahetajate loend. Esimesed nimekirjas on kõige soodsama elektroonilise valuutakursiga vahetajad.
    Pärast seda, kui kasutaja on valinud saidi, kus vahetamine toimub, läheb ta vahetuskohta. Järgmisena peate sisestama vajaliku teabe ja üksikasjad ning nõustuma teenusetingimustega.

On olemas "elektroonilise valuutakaupleja" või "vabakaupleja" elukutse. Need inimesed pole seotud kindla turuga. Kasutajad, kasutades erinevaid valuutavahetusteenuseid, leiavad kursside erinevuse ja teenivad kasumit valuuta konverteerimise sarja kaudu. Soodsatel tingimustel elektroonilist raha vahetades on tõesti võimalik raha teenida, kuid see nõuab täielikku sukeldumist spekulatiivsete operatsioonide süsteemi.

Elektroonilised valuutavahetuspettuste skeemid

Mõnikord on Internetis teavet selle kohta, et ilma spetsiaalsete oskusteta saate vahetajates palju teenida. Kuid see pole nii lihtne. Selle jaoks on tõesti võimalik raha teenida, kuid see nõuab kogemusi ja teadmisi. Petturid käituvad järgmiselt: kuraator (nõustaja, õpetaja) leiab inimese, kes on valmis investeerima kindla summa kasum-võiduskeemi ja pakub koostööd. Ta õpetab, kuidas teenida kasumit, vahetades Lääne rahavahetajaid kasumlikult e-raha. Esiteks deponeeritakse summa Vene teenuse eest ja konverteeritakse näiteks bitcoinideks. Seejärel vahetatakse see krüptoraha valuutavahetuses dollarite vastu ja võetakse välja elektroonilisele kontole. Mis saak on? Ja tõsiasi on see, et suure tõenäosusega ei saa klient välismaalt saidilt raha välja võtta ja kuraator saab oma suunised saateprogrammist. Isegi kui raha saab välja võtta, kaotab “ohver” ikkagi osa investeeritud vahenditest.