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Which payment systems do most people not approve of?


Which payment systems do most people disapprove of

The creators of electronic money were driven by the goal of surprising humanity with more convenient alternative means of payment. Compared to traditional money, which has largely outlived itself, digital represents a new formation that is more consistent with the transformations taking place in all spheres of life.

If a person has a computer with an Internet connection, they have an arsenal of tools in their hands that can be compared to a magic wand. With the same light wave of the hand, you can perform real miracles:

    Instantly send letters to addressees anywhere in the world.
    Talk endlessly on Skype, while seeing each other.
    Make purchases from any online store where you can choose whatever your heart desires.
    Participate in interactive contests, discussions, castings.
    Watch your favorite movie online.
    Listen to music, be a virtual spectator of concerts and all kinds of show programs.
    Make money transfers, exchange money, pay for services.

There are super popular resources for the execution of the last miracle, but there are also such payment systems that not everyone approves. Everything would be fine if it were not for the excessive desire of some businessmen who are ready to make money on everything that appears new in the modern world. This opportunity is provided by the Internet, which is constantly evolving, improving in all areas of virtual life.

The creation of electronic payment services, of course, is a profitable business, which is why it was so willingly taken up by enterprising programmers. We know of many large systems recognized by tens of millions of users:

    Yandex money.

Along with them, there are dozens of services that appear like mushrooms after rain, but still do not achieve their goal - to attract a sufficient number of customers. And if there is no demand, then the conceived business turns into a "fix idea".

Negative examples of payment systems

The Moneybookers service, launched in 2003, has not received proper development for almost 10 years and has not acquired potential users. The initial task of this system was to provide bets to online casino players. Over the course of four years, its functions have expanded somewhat, and it was already possible to make payments for purchases of goods in online markets.

Unfortunately, the creators of Moneybookers failed to cope with the main task - to create the most convenient, simple and affordable tool for users. Gradually, the service began to lose its supporters, because the English-language interface is not understandable to everyone. In 2008, there were attempts to adapt it for residents of the CIS countries. However, it has not become easier to use, simplicity and accessibility have not been achieved. In addition, Moneybookers has hardly improved, has not interacted with other systems. This was the main disadvantage, due to which it was significantly inferior to more popular counterparts.

Before creating such services, you need to study the market well, analyze the needs of potential users. And if this is a primitive, unremarkable site, a pathetic semblance of well-known services, then it is not surprising that people do not approve of such payment systems. They will not see success, their development will stop before it starts.

Another outsider

The reason for the failure of the Portmone payment system was the short-sightedness of its creators, who could not surprise potential customers with anything. Our world is full of variety and a wide range of services. And in order to occupy your niche, to be successful in your business, you need creative, unique, inimitable, original ideas. If this is just a copy of what is already there, the result is obvious - this is a serious failure.

Something similar happened with the Portmone service, which was nothing more than a Webmoney clone. The current user cannot be fooled, he immediately understands that "we have already seen this somewhere." As a rule, the stereotype works, if it is only a copy, then it is much worse than the original. This is not always correct, but such an attitude towards identical systems exists, and there is no escape from it. Therefore, this fact cannot be neglected and must be taken into account.

Over time, the Portmone payment system began to be ignored, and it lost almost all of its few customers. Firstly, it was designed only for Ukrainian citizens, and secondly, there was a very limited list of functions. In order, for example, to pay for a product purchased in an online store, it was necessary to have a plastic card.

Why do many people disapprove of payment systems and are in no hurry to switch to electronic money. Of course, unpopular services, which bring a lot of frustration, play a big negative role in this. But time demands its own, in the near future people cannot do without them. After all, there are already many types of work for which digital currency is calculated. And in other areas, digital money has taken a solid place. You just need to make the right choice of an electronic payment system and not be afraid of the new and unfamiliar. After all, using them, people significantly save time and the most comfortable conditions for making money transfers without unnecessary restrictions.