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What passports are there in the Webmoney system?


What passports are there in the Webmoney system?

The Webmoney payment system was created using a unique technology that allows you to instantly make an exchange, payment, transfer of virtual money between its users. If you need to go beyond WebMoney in order to interact with subjects of other systems, you will need to withdraw funds in the established equivalent and continue working in a different format.

In order to become a member of Webmoney, you need to register in this system and get a Webmoney-certificate corresponding to the selected status.

A virtual certificate for the right to use the electronic money system prevents the illegal actions of unscrupulous users, the purpose of which is to take possession of funds by fraudulent means. When such intentions are revealed, and, thanks to the developed program, it is not difficult to do this, the attacker immediately loses his passport and is canceled from among the network participants. Although, ego data is stored in the system and helps to identify the exile when re-trying to register. This is a necessary protection.

Types of Webmoney passports

The WebMoney system certificate is a virtual document confirming membership in the payment system, it gives the right to use the services provided. On the website of the Certification Center, you can find and consider in detail all types and types of certificates.

Immediately after entering the passport data, a person becomes a user of an electronic payment system and an owner of a pseudonym passport, and then can receive a formal webmoney passport free of charge.

Everyone can solve the issue of confidentiality of personal data, choosing the most suitable option for themselves. Who will have access to them: only the administration of the Center or will be open for general viewing. The user himself determines the circle of persons to whom he trusts personal information. After all, if a person is engaged in business, he tries to know his partner "by sight", that is, his basic data, as a real person. To the same extent, he opens himself, entrusting information about himself to a business partner.

The main personal webmoney passport is issued to the user after receiving a formal passport, as soon as all information about the user is verified. In addition, you must select a Registrar. That, in turn, determines the amount of the contribution (at least $ 5). Further, the Registrar examines in detail the applicants questionnaire. To avoid a personal meeting with the Registrar, copies of documents certified by a notary can be sent by mail. After successful verification of the package of documents, a personal passport is issued.

Obtaining a Webmoney passport gives you the right to:

    Take part in the activities of the credit exchange.
    Participate in the creation of budget slot machines on the Capitaller service.
    Use the capabilities of the Megastock catalog and register your requests in any of its sections.
    Become a consultant of the WebMoney system.
    Participate in attracting new customers within the partnership program.
    Use resources to publish news on the topic of WebMoney.
    Use a simplified scheme to regain control over the Webmoney identifier.
    Using the DigiSeller service, the user can organize trading platforms.
    Use the system arbitration if it becomes necessary to resolve disputes arising with other users of the system.

The initial webmoney passport is "handed" to the user after revising his personal data and provides the owner with the following privileges:

    Higher limits for making WMR transactions through WebMoney gateways.
    The initial passport of the webmoney system allows you to make transactions with WMZ subject to higher limits and a minimum commission, in particular, to withdraw them to bank cards.
    Get access to the budget machine on the Capitaller service.
    Post news on the WebMoney website.
    The webmoney passport gives the right to exercise control over the identifier in a simplified version.

Each certificate (certificate) has its own purpose

At the very beginning of the creation of the WebMoney system, confidentiality was given priority, which guaranteed the non-disclosure of confidential information. But, as it turned out in reality, this entailed undesirable consequences. There were misunderstandings related to distrust, because in fact it was necessary to transfer money to an unknown person. Many users, especially in the business sector, began to refuse the services of this system.

In this regard, it was decided to change the strategy and the certification mechanism. So, getting a webmoney alias passport faded into the background. He remained, but his functions are minimized. Each newly registered user receives it automatically. But it is undesirable to dwell on this, because too great restrictions on further actions will not bring any sense. You need to immediately proceed to the next step - obtaining a formal webmoney passport.

Before receiving this document, you need to fill in the necessary information about yourself: full name, residence address, passport details. This information is not verified, the certificate is issued on the basis of trust in the client. As they say, what guarantees the reliability of personal information, such are the possibilities of the owner of this certificate. His powers are limited to:

    Accumulation of funds on the wallet and their withdrawal.
    Obtaining co-branded Webmoney cards for withdrawing virtual dollars.
    By issuing Ukiah vouchers.
    Using the exchange for the withdrawal / input of WebMoney.
    The ability to link bank cards and accounts to your account.

Although, on the other hand, a formal passport allows you to perform the necessary functions within the minimum: receive money, send, exchange, pay, withdraw. In addition, this type of certificate is a mandatory step for obtaining more status certificates.

The initial webmoney passport is somewhat more reliable than the previous one, but still there are flaws in it in terms of the correctness of the information received from the user. It is not uncommon for it to be registered as a figurehead. Such moments negatively affect the business relationship between business partners. This type of document has advantages over private. The user should make the decision independently, but it will not be superfluous to listen to the recommendations of experienced users. You also need to know that in order to obtain a higher level certificate, it is not necessary to complete the initial one first. It is not an obligatory step towards more perfect documents.

To take advantage of the broader opportunities, you need a personal webmoney passport. In addition to filling out information about yourself in the appropriate fields, you also need to present color copies of identity documents. Obtaining such a webmoney certificate is suitable for a person engaged in entrepreneurial activity. This document will help to regain control over the identifier, will become a reliable argument when the service makes unfair claims that entailed blocking. Having a personal webmoney system certificate will help you cope with possible litigation.

There are several more types of evidence:

    Merchant passport, which automates the acceptance of transactions, it is an add-on over a personal passport. The document is issued free of charge after receiving a personal passport. Its owner must have his own site to receive WebMoney payments.
    Webmoney ATM certificate for use by legal entities that need to automate virtual currency transactions.
    The developers certificate and the Capitallers certificate, they also belong to the "add-ons" of the personal certificate. A free document is issued as an attachment to a personal passport and as an automated means for receiving and making payments on the WebMoney network.
    Registrars certificate, performing the functions of a system notary.

Of these certificates, the Registrars certificate can be distinguished, it is called the highest, it gives the owner a number of privileges: practically unlimited limits and minimum commissions. By the way, the Registrar even has the opportunity, under certain circumstances, to become an Arbitrator of the Arbitration Service. There are not very many Registrars in the WebMoney system, because not everyone can try on this status. The slightest mistake made by him entails the deprivation of the certificate and even the loss of the deposit. In order to become the owner of such a certificate, the following conditions must be met:

    Have a personal passport.
    The participants “experience” in the system must be at least 1 year.
    The applicant for possession of the Registrar Passport must pay a deposit of 2000 virtual US dollars.
    An applicant for a personal webmoney passport must be at least 25 years old.

There are also so-called "exclusive" virtual certificates that are necessary for solving specific problems in the WebMoney system:

    The Service Certificate allows its owner to build specific models that are beneficial for his business, and even receive start-up capital.
    The Operators certificate is held by WM Transfer Ltd, which is also the owner and administrator of the WebMoney payment system.
    The Guarantors certificate, as a rule, is held by those who carry out instructions from users of virtual WebMoney wallets. They carry out the direct process of depositing or withdrawing virtual money at the request of the applicant.

Remote work and WebMoney passport

At present, only a loafer or someone who is unable to do anything can complain about unemployment. His Majesty the Internet provides endless opportunities for finding earnings. Naturally, many of the types of work are remote. This means that the employer can be located not only in another city, but also in another country. But, thanks to such payment systems as WebMoney, the problem of remuneration does not exist at all. It is not difficult to become a member of Webmoney. But for this you need to choose a more acceptable certificate for yourself, which allows you to perform elementary functions: remuneration for remote work and the withdrawal of funds so that they can be used. In addition, the user should be able to transfer virtual money from one type to another. For such operations, you can issue a formal, initial or personal passport.

You can limit yourself to a formal document, only to pass the mandatory data verification with the download of scanned passport data and identification code. The entire package of documents is sent in electronic form to the Certification Center. The result is received within 1-2 days, by e-mail and to WMID. This concludes the process of obtaining a formal certificate. It is quite enough for an ordinary user to have such a certificate.

The holder of the certificates can act

If a user owns, for example, a formal webmoney passport, he has the right to close or open pages to view his data. He chooses whom to entrust access to personal data.

Having an initial Webmoney passport, you can open one more or several (up to 10) WMIDs, which are automatically attached to it and to the formal passport.

The limit of the capabilities of each participant directly depends on the type of certificate received. This document, issued by the Certification Center, testifies to belonging to the corresponding status, and with it a corresponding range of possibilities opens up.

The WebMoney passport is a digital document proving the identity of the user. It is certified by an analogue of the signature of a specific person - its potential owner. This document confirms that the person with whom you make money exchanges is real and not fictional or, even worse, a fraud. Indeed, with remote transactions, there are a lot of loopholes for violations, so the identification of system participants makes it safer and more reliable.