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How to make a Bitcoin faucet yourself?


Как сделать Биткоин-кран самому?

The advent of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency has provided jobs for many network users. People have learned not only to mine Bitcoin, but also to increase capital using special Bitcoin faucets. The downside is that earnings on such sites are insignificant and it makes sense only when working on several resources at the same time. Its a different matter if you create a Bitcoin faucet yourself. Many great prospects are already opening up here, and incomes are increasing several times.


What are the advantages of creating your own Bitcoin faucet?

Before making a Bitcoin faucet, its worth understanding the benefits of working. Here it is worth highlighting the following points:

Accessibility for everyone. To realize a plan, you do not need to have any special knowledge - it is enough to have a goal and a little time.
The ability to earn a whole group of cryptocurrencies. If you wish, you can design a multi-currency Bitcoin faucet that allows you to earn not only Bitcoin, but also a number of other cryptocurrencies, for example, Litecoin, Primecoin, Dogcoin and others.
Base availability. To create a crane, you do not need to install complex programs - everything is done on the basis of existing scripts.
Minimum costs. To implement the task, you do not need to invest a lot of money, but the result can cover even the most serious expectations.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a Bitcoin faucet

To create a crane, you must act according to the following algorithm:

Buy domain and hosting. Today, more and more companies are emerging that offer storage services and sell domains at affordable prices. To get started, you can use the services of free hosting. As for the domain, it is worth giving preference to such zones as .ru or .com. Over time, it is worth using the services of paid hosters, which offer customers a wider range of services.
Upload Bitcoin faucet script. When buying a hosting, the user has access to the folders where the files of the future site are downloaded. Here you can use an FTP client or upload information directly to the hosting to the root folder. Where can you find a special program? You just need to go to the FaucetBox website and download the script. Next, you should unzip the file and upload it to the folder with the site.
Database creation. To create a Bitcoin faucet, you cannot do without a database, which is done through the control panel right on the hosting site. The established data (login and password) must be saved and access to them by unauthorized persons must be limited.
Editing the configuration file. After completing the steps above, you need to modify the config.php file. It should enter the server name, database username, database password, and also its name. A number of parameters, for example the hostname, are sent by email.
Setting up the administrative part. Above, we looked at how to make a Bitcoin faucet. But it still needs to be configured. So, it is worth paying attention to the administrative part - choose a future currency, decide on the level of awards on the tap, come up with a name and description (you can use a slogan), choose a suitable captcha service and a theme for the tap design. Here you can also decide on the color, install additional pages.
Check in. The created faucet remains to register on the FaucetBox, which will open access to statistics, personal balance on payments and a number of other information. The registration process is intuitively simple, so it makes no sense to dwell on it separately. After registering, you should go to the site using your username and password, get the key and confirm the creation of a new tap.
Balance replenishment. For the site to work properly, you need to deposit a sufficient amount to your account. This can be done through the special Balance menu. Please note that the account must be credited with an amount of 0.001 Bitcoin or more. In this case, a commission is always charged during the transfer.
Receiving a profit. It remains to monitor the newly created site, timely deposit and withdraw funds, make adjustments, control the actions of users and prevent fraud on their part.

What must be considered?

If you managed to create a Bitcoin faucet, then only half of the task is solved. Now the site will have to be maintained, for which it is worth considering a number of points:

Control the amount of funds in your account. The amount available should be sufficient to make payments to users in a timely manner. At the same time, make sure that there is no loss, otherwise such work does not make sense. As a last resort, you can reduce the amount of remuneration or provide a greater influx of customers through additional promotion.
Provide protection. Many users know how to make a Bitcoin faucet, but they get lost when it comes to administering it. In fact, everything is simple - it is enough to adjust the protection mechanism so that it allows you to see people requesting payments more than 1 time in a short time (for example, 15 or 30 minutes).
When making changes in the payment system, this must be announced publicly, that is, through the site. Often, users underestimate the importance of this step and make adjustments quietly. This causes a lot of dissatisfaction among users and reduces the trust in the resource. In the long term, this approach will lead to the closure of the business.
Adapt payments. To avoid bankruptcy, it is advisable to link payments to the US currency. But there is also a minus. If the value of Bitcoin in relation to the US dollar continues to grow, then you will have to come to terms with losses.
Launching your own Bitcoin faucet is a chance to gain experience in business, development and promotion. It should be noted right away that you have to work to achieve results. The created crane should not only be good, but stand out in some way among other services, attract customers, ensure the maximum flow of users. In such a situation, the probability of success increases several times.