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How much is one Bitcoin worth


Сколько стоит один Биткоин

Many financiers regard Bitcoin as an economic phenomenon, representing not just a mathematical code with its own algorithms, but a complete system. Before talking about how much one Bitcoin costs, it should be noted that its rate often changes.

Despite the high volatility, which can be explained by some youthfulness of the cryptocurrency and the diligence of financial institutions and official authorities, the alternative currency is less prone to deflation than traditional fiduciary banknotes.

It is capable of creating significant material values even during protracted economic cataclysms. An excellent example of this is the stable growth of quotes for digital money against the backdrop of a sharp devaluation of major currencies against the US dollar. By the way, it is used to indicate the value of Bitcoin, the rate of which, as of today (04/19/2016), is more than $ 400 and continues to grow steadily.


Bitcoin is an inconvenient currency for states

The main reason that causes discontent on the part of government agencies is that bitcoins do not have a centralized control, which means that they cannot be controlled. It undermines the monopoly of banks and official structures, and is a bastion of global financial freedom. The stability of the cryptocurrency can be explained by the fact that the question of how much Bitcoin costs now is of interest not only to the tycoons of the financial sector, but also to ordinary people.

In the process of becoming a cryptocurrency, a lot has happened. The course changed radically throughout the entire time. How much was one Bitcoin worth in the beginning? It was only 0.3 cents. Since 2008, this currency has demonstrated its consistency and huge potential. This is evidenced by how much Bitcoin is worth now - on April 19, 2016 - $ 429.09.


Dynamics of the Bitcoin exchange rate development

Skeptics and government financial institutions hoped and believed that Bitcoin is just another technical gadget that they just got carried away with. And soon it will disappear as quickly as it appeared. But if you look at how much Bitcoin is worth now, it is clear that their hopes did not materialize.

How much was one Bitcoin worth at the very beginning? In 2009-2010, its price was in the range of $ 1. On May 22, 2010, a unique incident occurred that became a legendary part of the history of Bitcoin. American programmer Paslo Hanich transferred 10,000 Bitcoins to a Bitcoin wallet for a user from the UK. The recipient paid the Papa Johns pizzeria with this virtual money for two pizzas. (By December 2013, this amount increased to $ 12,000,000).

How much does 1 Bitcoin cost in the spring of 2011 - already $ 9. By the summer of 2011, it had reached nearly $ 30. But by September it falls again and stays in the region of $ 5-15 until the end of the year. Then there is a gradual trend towards growth, and by February 2013 Bitcoin crosses the $ 30 border. Having overcome this milestone, the rise begins, and its pace is noticeably accelerating. By April 2013, Bitcoin leaps over the $ 100 mark. And how much is 1 Bitcoin worth by the end of 2013 - $ 1000.

By April 2014, the Bitcoin exchange rate experienced another decline and amounted to $ 266. But there was no such sharp collapse as in 2011. The Bitcoin exchange rate has not varied so sharply recently, and at present, when asked how much 1 Bitcoin costs, you can answer - not cheap: as of April 19, 2016 - $ 429.09.


Bitcoin to ruble rate

How much is Bitcoin worth in rubles as of July 12, 2023? This is easy to calculate if you know that 1 Bitcoin is worth $30,724; 1 ruble = $0.011; 1 US dollar = 90.56 ros. rub.

1 Bitcoin u003d 30724 x 90.56 u003d 2782365.44 rubles.

or 1 Russian ruble = 0.000000359 Bitcoins.

To calculate the exchange rate of Bitcoin against the ruble at any other time, it is easy to do this through knowing its exchange rate against the dollar, and, accordingly, relative to the ruble against the dollar.

To calculate the Bitcoin exchange rate against the ruble at any other moment, it is easy to do this by knowing its exchange rate against the dollar, and, accordingly, against the ruble against the dollar.

You can simply go to the page for exchanging Bitcoin for Zelenii Bank on our e-currency exchanger.

Judging by how much Bitcoin costs in rubles, we can say that this cryptocurrency is not cheap, which means there is a demand for it. Financiers and brokers know Greshams Law, which states that good money crowds out bad money. I must say that it works. How much Bitcoin will cost in dollars or rubles will also depend on how actively it enters the everyday life of people and manifests itself as an independent monetary system.