How many bitcoins are there in total today
Bitcoin has firmly taken the lead in the cryptocurrency market. But users who actively use it are interested in the question of how many bitcoins there are in total.
Where do Bitcoins come from
Both individuals and entire companies are engaged in cryptocurrency generation. This process is called mining. The total number of bitcoins depends on its activity. Mining is inherently a complex computational process. Significant technical resources are involved in the creation of virtual money. Moreover, their required number is constantly increasing and, in accordance with this, the level of mining complexity increases. How many bitcoins have been mined today is difficult to say, since the productive process is continuous. About 3,600 new units of this popular cryptocurrency appear every day.
A few years ago, mining was quite affordable even at home. Any owner of a sufficiently powerful computer could mine virtual money in almost unlimited quantities. Can you imagine how many bitcoins individual pioneers earned? But as the popularity of cryptocurrency grows, the computing processes have become much more complex. And now mining requires the involvement of technical resources that are not available at home. But today whole farms have appeared, on which a large number of specially designed computer equipment is located. And the question of how many bitcoins will be mined in total is decided depending on the power of the used video card.
And if you do the calculations
One of the main differences between bitcoins and traditional currency is the lack of a single center. Accordingly, it is rather difficult to determine the total number of bitcoins issued. In addition, virtual money does not have the usual security for everyone.
It is problematic to answer the question of how many bitcoins have been produced today. But the total maximum number of bitcoins that will be issued can be determined with confidence. The fact is that this value is mathematically limited to twenty-one million. But dont start worrying about not having enough for everyone. After all, any bitcoin consists of one hundred million parts, each of which can be used as a means of payment. They are called Satoshi after the creator of this cryptocurrency.
And the question of how much you need to pay bitcoins for a certain product or service is decided by the producers. In addition, the price of a cryptocurrency is affected by the level of its popularity in the market. To date, a little more than nineteen million bitcoins have been mined, it is difficult to say exactly how much. According to forecasts, the last unit should be released in 2140. But already now there is a tendency to gradually reduce the process of generating bitcoins.
Features of mining at the present stage
Currently, Bitcoin mining is only possible with professional equipment. In theory, this can continue to be done at home. But the question arises about the profitability of such an activity, namely, how many bitcoins you can get. It was empirically found that the cost of the mined does not even cover the cost of electricity. What can we say about the commercial component of such an enterprise.
But you can still make good money on cryptocurrency. After all, its cost depends on how many bitcoins are produced in total and their popularity in the market. Despite the obvious prospects, cryptocurrency is not yet widely used. But after the inclusion of large players in the game, interest in bitcoins will certainly increase. The only question is how much the current exchange rate will grow.