The most popular questions about working with our exchange service.If you couldn"t find the answer to your question question, please contact us.Perhaps, in the future, a unified payment system will be created, but the time has not yet come. Judging by the pace of development of modern technologies, in particular, computer technologies, one can assume the likelihood of its appearance. And most likely, it will be a unified electronic payment system.
Today you will not surprise anyone with the work on the Internet. Many Russians and citizens of post-Soviet countries are remotely engaged in copyrighting, web design, and brokerage. In most cases, payment for the work performed is transferred to an electronic wallet opened in a certain payment system. Sooner or later, the question arises with the withdrawal of funds.
Virtual currency has existed on the virtual market for several years. However, most people are still convinced that electronic money is legally invalid. What led to the formation of this opinion?
Even those who are not members of the Bitcoin community, at least once, have heard the name Satoshi Nakamoto. According to numerous versions, it is believed that this is the fictitious name of one or more of the creators of the first Bitcoin cryptocurrency. For unknown reasons, it was decided to hide who Satoshi Nakamoto was. And I must say that throughout the time since the appearance of the new digital currency, no one has been able to reveal the real name of one or a group of authors.
The Internet gave people the opportunity to communicate, learn and receive unique information. At least that was the intention at first. Now the web provides everyone with great opportunities in all directions. The number of network users has already exceeded 1 billion. Such a large concentration of people united in one large network, sooner or later, would arouse interest from businessmen and investors. Indeed, with good ideas and a lot of capital, you can create projects that will bring a stable income.
Electronic currency, as a new form of handling the money supply, offers unique opportunities for a huge variety of transactions without withdrawal online. But since nobody canceled paper money, there are times that require the withdrawal of electronic money. Electronic payment systems provide such a function and offer several options. Each user of digital currency has a virtual wallet through which money turns are made.
At the dawn of the emergence of electronic payment systems, the foreground was the creation of a user-friendly interface, a maximum of functions, and ensuring the ease of handling instruments for making money transactions. At the first stage, such services were not as large-scale as they are now. Back then, the issue of ensuring security in payment systems was not as acute as it is now.
The first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, which appeared in 2009 and caused a real sensation among users of the global network. Since then, the popularity of the new currency has only been gaining momentum. Since 2011, there have been many more cryptocurrencies. Unique in its kind substitutes for paper money attract independence, new opportunities, affordability and low fees. What caused the diversity of cryptocurrencies? What types of new electronic money exist today?