The most popular questions about working with our exchange service.If you couldn"t find the answer to your question question, please contact us.
What are the advantages of virtual cards that represent payment systems?

If someone thinks that bank cards appeared only along with computers, they are deeply mistaken. It all started much earlier, in 1958, Bank of America decided to surprise its customers and issued the first payment card. There were so many people who wanted to become the happy owner of a plastic novelty that the bank was not able to cope with such a flow.

Why is electronic money developing by leaps and bounds?

With the advent of the Internet, there has been a transition to another era. Once it will be given a capacious name that characterizes the global change in the appearance of the world. \\ nOn one click of a button, you can go to a virtual cinema and watch any film; look into any library in the world and read a book, access to which was once unthinkable. Discover the treasures of world famous museums, attend virtual concerts of your favorite performers. Communicate with loved ones, friends, relatives who are in the farthest point of the planet.

What is the most popular payment system in Russia?

I do not want to say unnecessary words about the popularity of the new type of payments through electronic currency. This theme is well known to its users, who are already hundreds of millions. Although newcomers have a lot to learn about. \\\\ nTo better understand what the essence of electronic settlement services is, the main thing is that they do not need to be identified with non-cash payments of traditional funds. They have nothing to do with digital money, as well as with credit cards. These are independent modern online structures that operate in the vastness of the virtual world and are constantly improving in the process of their evolution, becoming more perfect and more diverse.

Why are so many reluctant to switch to electronic payment systems?

Electronic payment systems have long become a part of society, and for many they have replaced the usual paper money. The main difficulty is conservatism, which is deeply rooted in every person and does not allow him to rebuild to a new rhythm of life. Because of this, the transition to electronic money is rarely smooth. The rustling of currency in the wallet gives confidence in the future, additional peace of mind. But what are the real problems with the transition to electronic payment systems? What are people afraid of? Lets consider the disadvantages of the systems in more detail.

Why do payment systems devote a lot of time to security?

Electronic money is a type of virtual currency that can be used to make payments on the network. Against the backdrop of globalization, the popularity of online payments and the takeover of online commerce, the security of electronic money is one of the main challenges.

What is the payment system from Google?

Google Corporation is a world-famous company that is developing in several directions at once. One of them is the development of payment systems that can simplify and speed up the payment process on the Internet. What Google payment systems are there? What are their features? Does Google Wallet have any prospects? Below we will consider the stages of development of payment systems of the giant of the search network.

Why do payment systems require passport data?

Under the influence of the accumulated experience, civilization becomes more perfect. Humanity is introducing progressive, innovative technologies. Unique ideas bordering on fantasy come to the minds of brilliant scientists, designers, programmers. People have conquered the airspace, the depths of the ocean, and now they are intensively mastering the virtual space. And this area is truly fantastic in its capabilities and boundlessness.

What to do if the payment system fails?

The purpose of any online electronic payment system is the uninterrupted and fast implementation of money transfers 24/7/365 via the Internet. The absence of time frames and territorial restrictions, the need to stand in line, convenience, ease of use, maximum security of transactions - these are the advantages that differ from typical financial institutions.