The most popular questions about working with our exchange service.If you couldn"t find the answer to your question question, please contact us.Most of the Internet users are constantly making payments through special systems. With their help, you can easily and quickly pay utility bills, replenish your mobile phone or buy a product you like in an online store, transfer money to other users at any time of the day and anywhere in the world in a comfortable home environment, without leaving the monitor.
Today, almost every Internet user is familiar with various payment systems. They help you conveniently and, most importantly, quickly make the desired payment. And the size of the commission does not exceed the amount that the payer must pay for service to the bank branch and often, even much less. As for entrepreneurs working in the field of the Internet, knowledge of payment systems is considered mandatory for them. Otherwise, their business is guaranteed to suffer and it will be difficult to make money transfers quickly to any part of the planet, without any restrictions on the time of implementation and the volume of transactions.
The virtual currency Bitcoin ushered in a new era of digital money generation, which emerged as a result of ingenious discoveries in the field of cryptography and encryption. So the Bitcoin cryptocurrency became the first, but by no means the last, it prompted cryptographers to create analogs, which today number in the hundreds.
Most users have a basic level of knowledge of information and computing technologies and perceive the Internet as a means of simple business correspondence, entertainment and simply kill the free time for social communication. By the way, the number of people who made the spider, by means of the main earnings or part-time work will grow.
The number of online payment systems is growing every year. The growth of their popularity has quite understandable reasons, of which the maximum comfort and security of transactions, the absence of any restrictions, should be highlighted. Which of them (domestic or foreign) should be preferred? - this is a question that is becoming increasingly problematic among residents of Russia and the CIS countries.
At the present stage, human life is associated with new technologies, information, money and numerous papers. To achieve certain tasks, it is necessary to involve numerous intermediaries, cooperation with which implies the conduct of dozens of different operations. They come to believe because there is no alternative. But lately there are more and more companies and individuals who abuse their position. The task of the Blockchain is to fix a problem that is associated with significant material (paid intermediary services) and time costs (paper and other red tape in the paperwork).
Information about the Vkontakte payment system that can be found on the Internet is very different. Since April 2011, the creation of such a system has been advertised. It was supposed to compete with Webmoney and Yandex.Money. After all, such advantages as the absence of commissions, all kinds of promotions and discounts in online stores of 2% or more, could very quickly popularize it.
Why is there an opinion that someone is watching the turnover of electronic currency? Maybe it just seems? Although, in its essence, electronic currency can cause increased interest for a reason, and this interest is not one-sided. What does this mean?